Monday, October 15, 2012

Charlotte Scott calls Zambians to unite against cancer

TIME PUBLISHED - Monday, October 15, 2012, 4:58 am

Wife to vice president Dr Guy Scott, Charlotte

Wife to vice president Dr Guy Scott, Charlotte

Vice Presidents wife Charlotte Scott says Zambians should unite and fight back the cancer disease.

Speaking last evening when she officiated at the Zambia Cancer Society 2nd Annual Relay for Life at the Olympic Youth Development Centre in Lusaka, Dr Scott said it is sad to see children in the cancer wards facing each day that come with much pain and little hope because of the many challenges that the disease comes with.

She said the disease is not the only battle that children and their caregivers have but also the significant impact that affects them socially, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

The Zambia Cancer Society 2nd annual relay for life this year was held under a theme ?Get loud against cancer? the relay was organised to raise awareness and funds towards the provision of food, toiletries and also help rehabilitate the water system at the cancer children ward at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

Dr Scott said there is need to improve the ward so that the children?s lives can be made a little more comfortable as they undergo treatment a little more bearable.

She said as a medical doctor, she has witnessed much pain and suffering that has compeled her to join in the fight and ensure that the painful memories of children with cancer are taken away by fighting back cancer and protecting children affected by the disease.

She noted that there is also need for organisations to come in and support the Zambia Cancer Society?s mission of improving the quality of life of cancer survivors and their families, adding that because of the prolonged stay at UTH some caregivers run out of finances to purchase basic provisions for themselves and their patients.

She further stated that for the majority of patients, the distance to Lusaka from their home towns means another burden of travel and accommodation, forcing them to abandon their treatment which is normally over several months thereby increasing the chances of re-occurrence and mortality.

Meanwhile Zambia Cancer Society Chairperson Udie Soko said cancer is a disease that needs more encouragement and hope for a patient to survive.

Ms Soko said the Zambia Cancer Society 2ndannual relay for life this year comes at a better time when the world wants to recognise ambassadors in the fight against the disease, adding that survivors of the disease are the best people to tell a story and encourage others faced with it.

She said her organisation has in the recent past held a number of events to raise funds and support for the cancer patients and survivors.


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