Saturday, May 11, 2013

Campaign Finance Board Socks Team Bill de Blasio With $20K In ...

The city Campaign Finance Board is sticking Bill de Blasio with $20,500 in fines for breaking rules during his 2009 run for public advocate.

BRAWL NEW LOGO.jpgTeam De Blasio got socked with a $10,000 penalty for "commingling" funds raised for his '09 campaign and his current bid for the mayoralty: "Expenditures totaling $32,620.37 could not be allocated to a particular committee as a result of commingling of activity between the 2009 and 2013 campaigns and the Campaign?s inconsistent rationales for allocating expenditures. Numerous transactions were improperly paid for by each committee, and significant liabilities from each to the other accrued." De Blasio also got fined for failing to document how nearly $16,000 in spending was related to the campaign.

UPDATE: De Blasio spox Dan Levitan responds, "While we believe that the penalties imposed by the CFB on Bill's 2009 campaign are without merit and are confident that they would have been overturned if we had appealed further, we have decided to move on in order to concentrate fully on the 2013 campaign. We are pleased that the issue has been resolved."?? CY2013PM_deBlasio_050813


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