Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Losing the school choice lottery and what it means for one family

Yesterday, I spent all day hitting the Refresh button on my email account. Probably 653 times. Why? Because the one school that we wanted for our children for next year was to announce its lottery results to those lucky few who would be chosen. 12 or 13 slots for sixth grade, out of an application pool of several hundred (wish I knew exactly how many).

On click number 653 we got the news at last: Our numbers didn?t hit.


My parents practiced school choice the old-fashioned way in the late 1970?s ? they moved from the east side of Columbus to the boonies. This was their only option. With a one-income family and four children, private school was not in the cards. My father drove 30 miles one way to work (even farther later in his career) with no complaints.

Why not stay in Columbus City Schools? Desegregation. I?m not proud of this fact and the mindset that it evokes, but they were not the only ones in our neighborhood ? let alone the city ? who did not want their children bussed across town for a school they felt inferior to the one they had. In fact, we had five other family/friends move from our street alone into the same tiny burg in the country the same summer. Did we miss out on some opportunities moving from a big city district to the country? You bet. But all of us did OK in our new environment and our lives and careers are still on track nearly 40 years later.

Fast forward to 2013: my family and I live in the city of Columbus in an old house on a quiet street near everything we love ? libraries, parks (river, bikepath, etc.), stores, activities, and even the road out of town for when wandering sounds good. Our commute to work is 15 minutes on a bad day.

This neighborhood has been the same for a very long time, but much has changed around it and much within the mindset of its residents, especially in terms of education that is on the minds of the many young families who choose to live here. And it is a choice that they make for the most part. Incomes here are all over the board and can usually be determined by where you live in relation to the major crossroads. To say you live in this part of town conveys nothing but a relative geography until folks probe deeper and then they figure out more about you by whether you live northwest or southeast of High and Broadway. And so you can choose to be in the same area whether you have a middling amount of money or a large amount of money. House, apartment, duplex, condo ? we have it. This is a place you go when you have some means (either a little or a lot).

What we don?t have is a district school that I want to send my daughters to. This is no different than my parents felt ? for a very different reason ? but the landscape of choice has changed. In fact, that landscape includes an opt-in to the Columbus district, which many vocal parents are choosing and advocating for among their friends and acquaintances. They reason that if more motivated parents choose to be here, the neighborhood school and all its students will benefit. And, honestly, if there is a good Columbus elementary school to be had (i.e. ? rigorous, focused on student success, geared toward the future, and not sparing with high-value homework) it?s probably here. In fact, our area is one of the few with no voucher-eligible schools in Columbus. But we investigated and found it academically wanting and so it was out. NOTE: I am not the first Fordham father to talk about this. Check out Mike Petrilli?s excellent book for his much more detailed story.

So was the district lottery, despite the fact that many families we knew sent their children (often multiple children) to the alternative school several blocks away. If you can get in. But it too seemed to be less than an ideal fit for our girls and the lottery process was reported to be Byzantine and often fruitless, although it still lurks in the back of our minds.

No charter schools in our neighborhood, so we would be forced to bus them or drive them a long way to reach one of the few good charter elementaries. So that was not practical either.

And as we have always done, we were looking at the big picture ? middle school, high school, college readiness. Even if we had been tireless advocates for our children in the neighborhood public elementary (pushing for more rigor, nagging for more attention from teachers, and supplementing the classroom work with outside opportunities), there was nothing available to us in the district even remotely worthwhile to us after fifth grade.

And since neither of us have the skill to homeschool, we have gone the private school route. That has been our reality since the girls were three years old ? private daycare, private preschool, private Montessori school, and now a private K-8 school, with summer camps each year from various private sources. Out of our own middle-income pockets. Not the elite Academies or all-girls schools you might have heard of, but a white-bread (in all senses of the term, unfortunately) middle-of-the-road institution that really would rather be doing Mass than math. But they soldier on with academics, pleased to adopt and align to the Common Core early but lax on homework, indifferent to long-term project-based learning, and weak in areas where there's no such thing as a common core standard.

The girls have done great ? worked hard, learned the value of a good education, and produced at or above our expectations regularly. And they even know how to have fun when the work is finished. They are fantastic and on the right path, sometimes despite the teachers in the schools they?ve attended.

So, what was yesterday about? Those 653 clicks?

The holy grail.


We have had our eye on the local STEM school for high school (talk about the long game) for the last couple of years, only to have them announce that they are expanding to middle school just in time for our kids to start sixth grade. Wow. But maybe it?s not as good as we thought it was.

Open house. Amazing. Even better than we imagined.

Application. Easy and interesting. I didn?t realize my eleven-year-olds had already figured out their five-year visions.

The waiting. Hard, but not too long.

Word on the street: everyone we know is applying. Probably lots of folks we don?t know.

Uh oh.

Yesterday? Depression.


Our only Plan B is to return to our middle-of-the-road private school, downtrodden and with even lower expectations than before. (You know how it is: as soon as you decide that you want to trade in your old car, you suddenly see its flaws even more starkly.) We can apply to the STEM school ? the only one of its kind for 20 miles ? again next year for seventh grade. And again the following year for eighth grade. And again the following year for ninth grade, as we had originally planned.

We figured we had the school choice thing in Columbus locked up: we lived where we wanted, paid for the best school we could afford, and then supplemented to the best of our ability. We didn?t even begrudge our property taxes continuing to go to Columbus City Schools. The American way, right?

Our kids are our priority and we know where we want them to go: to college and beyond. They can be anything they want with the right foundation, and it?s our job to give them the best foundation possible. That?s why yesterday?s lottery loss stings so much. We know we?d found it. And we can?t get in.

What happens when you don?t have means, when you don?t have knowledge of the system, when you have other priorities weighing on your family, when all of your ?choices? are bad?

Category: Charters & Choice

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Are tit-for-tat sectarian killings enough to tilt Iraq back to war?

Bouts of sectarian fighting have worried observers many times over the past few years, but so far the worst has not come to pass.

By Dan Murphy,?Staff writer / May 20, 2013

Iraqi security force members inspect the site of a car bomb attack in Basra, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Monday. Two car bombings in the southern city of Basra, killing and wounding dozens of people, police said. Iraq has seen a spike of attacks, including bombings hitting both Sunni and Shiite civilian targets over the last week.

Nabil al-Jurani/AP


After the death of more than 60 people in a series of car bombs today?targeting Iraq's majority Shiite community and weeks of escalating sectarian attacks, many are wondering if the country's simmering sectarian tensions will tumble once again into all-out civil war.

Skip to next paragraph Dan Murphy

Staff writer

Dan Murphy is a staff writer for the Monitor's international desk, focused on the Middle East.?Murphy, who has reported from Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and more than a dozen other countries, writes and edits Backchannels. The focus? War and international relations, leaning toward things Middle East.

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The situation in Iraq is bad enough, as the attacks today make clear. Reuters reported there were two deadly blasts in the southern, largely Shiite city of Basra; 30 deaths in seven different blasts targeting Shiite neighborhoods of Baghdad; and an attack on a bus carrying Shiite pilgrims near the town of Balad.?

This kind of violence, almost certainly carried out by Sunni militants, has ebbed and flowed for years in Iraq, without ever leading to large-scale sectarian bloodletting like that which occurred between 2005 and 2008, when tens of thousands of Iraqis were killed in fighting that transformed many of the mixed neighborhoods of Baghdad and other cities into entirely Shiite or Sunni enclaves. An Al Qaeda in Iraq attack on an important Shiite shrine in Samarra in February 2006?touched off?reprisal killings across the country.

Many have long wondered what event could be Iraq's next Samarra. The good news, if any good news can be taken from a society still as divided and violent as Iraq today, is that the general population and political elites have consistently shied away from the worst. And while the current flare-up is almost certainly going to claim more lives, the odds of all-out war are probably low, going by the experience of the past few years.

To be sure, the current situation is bad. Last Friday, at least 76 people were killed in bombs targeting predominantly Sunni areas in Iraq. Those attacks followed close on the heels of attacks against Shiites earlier in the week. In April, more than 700 people were killed, one of the highest monthly death tolls since 2008.

The government of Shiite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has taken a hard line against Sunni protesters, with a deadly government raid on a protest encampment in the town of Hawija claiming at least 50 lives and infuriating the country's Sunni minority.

That protest encampment, like similar ones in Anbar province, was inspired by a widespread feeling among Iraqi Sunnis that they have been completely cut out of meaningful power by the country's Shiite majority, that Mr. Maliki is running the country in the interest of his sect rather than all citizens, and that the security forces commit human rights abuses with impunity.

While the worst of Iraq's fighting ended years ago, the national reconciliation that the US predicted would follow never occurred, leaving Iraq volatile and prone to violence. It has remained one of countries most beset by terrorism,?and added to that volatile mix is the civil war in Syria, with many members of Al Qaeda in Iraq joining the fight against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.?

What's more, powerful Sunni leaders in Anbar province ? which borders Syria and was the center of the insurgency during the US occupation ? are being hounded by the central government (fairly or unfairly it's hard to say). Joel Wing has a good roundup on Sunni leaders in Anbar province, and their various recent conflicts with the central government's security forces. Ominously, a number of the people he discusses had been involved in fighting Sunni insurgents on the side of the government and US forces just a few years ago.? ?

"The recent raids, kidnappings, and the end of the call for talks with the authorities can only add to this growing fire," Wing writes. "Even if the mainstream protest movement like the one in Ramadi attempts to remain peaceful, it is apparent that more and more people in the governorate are at least open to the passive if not active support for attacks upon the security forces."

With all this, it's pretty easy to predict the worst. But Iraqis were so badly scarred by the sectarian civil war, with so much lost on every side, that it's hard to imagine the wildfire catching again soon. While average Iraqis have suffered due to a weak economy, both Shiite and Sunni political leaders have profited handsomely from high oil prices in recent years, and have little to gain from all-out warfare that would almost certainly end in the same result as last time: with the country's majority Shiite population still in the driver seat.?

Make no mistake. Iraq's situation is grim. But the country has repeatedly pulled back from the brink in recent years. And there's a good chance that it will again.


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Will Derek Hough be back on 'Dancing'?


2 hours ago

Image: Derek Hough

Getty Images

Derek Hough may be back for yet another season of "DWTS."

"Dancing With the Stars" pro Derek Hough seems poised to win his fourth mirror ball trophy Tuesday night with partner Kellie Pickler. But will he return when the show comes back in September for another season?

?I don?t know yet,? he told reporters on the post-show red carpet Monday. ?Next year (2014) is going to be a little different. That?s when these projects I?m working on will come to life. Right now, they?re in the preparation stages. (So) it might be a good idea to do next season.?

As fans of Hough know, the three-time winner almost didn?t partake in this season.

?I was literally within an hour of not doing it,? he shared. ?I called the producers and said I have this weird feeling that I need to do this season. ... They said, ?Well, we need to know within the next hour.? Then, I was like, ?OK, Let?s do it.? Now, I know why.?

That reason? His amazing run with current partner, "American Idol" alum Pickler.

Judge Carrie Ann Inaba criticized the pair earlier in the season for not having enough of an emotional connection in their dances.

?That actually stuck with me,? Hough said. ?I wanted (our freestyle) to be an emotional routine. I wanted it to connect with people and connect with us. Afterwards, I looked over and saw Carrie Ann crying. That was the moment to top off the season for us.?

Hough knows he could have gone all out and added more production values to the freestyle routine, but he opted to keep it simple.

?I?m all for big productions,? he told ?I love putting on shows. I wondered if it was it right to downsize the routine physically and supersize it emotionally? I wanted to make it about Kellie and not wow the audience with a spectacle, but to wow them with heart. I think it paid off, but there was definitely a ping pong match going on in my mind.?


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Xbox One Makes The Console Gaming Experience Less Lonely ...

Gaming has evolved from single-player to head-to-head to massively multiplayer, but it?s also retreated from public arcades to isolated homes. Today?s launch of the Xbox One makes the whole console experience social, not just the gaming itself. You?ll still be battling other humans, but how you communicate with them and choose what to play is about to change.

Think back 20 years ago, before home gaming devices became the powerhouses they are today. You?d go to an arcade, and the way you?d discover what was fun and popular was looking for which game cabinet drew the rowdiest crowds. I remember discovering Street Fighter 2 in a hotel arcade while on vacation. I couldn?t even see the machine, as it was surrounded by older boys swearing like sailors at every Haduken and thousand-hand-slap.

Xbox One Trending Home ScreenI knew I wanted to play that game. And when I finally got my turn to get beaten mercilessly as the mob swelled around me, it didn?t feel like I was doing anything nerdy. I was partaking in a new culture, a new community.

That?s the promise of the new Xbox One?s trending section. It surfaces games, apps, video on demand, and other media popular with your friends and the whole Xbox user base. Gamers won?t have to go searching for reviews to see what?s the hot new first-person shooter. The wisdom of the crowd will clue you into what game has captured the zeitgeist, even if you?re playing alone in your basement.?Microsoft also hopes to turn word-of-mouth recommendations into an algorithm that shows you what to play next. Because the suggestions come from friends, you might trust them enough to buy a new sports game like NBA Live ?14, listen to a classic album, watch Firefly, or try out a fresh app like Hulu.

Xbox Trending Guide

Microsoft is also bringing these custom recommendations somewhere that was never really social: television. Live TV can be piped into your living room through the Xbox One; its TV guide features a trending section too. While we?ve gotten used to intelligent suggestions for video-on-demand thanks to data crunchers like Netflix, Xbox one could show you what sports match or awards show your friends and the whole world are watching right now.

Microsoft will have to figure out who your real friends are, possibly through social network integrations, and how to use other factors like geography to massage the trending picks. There will also be privacy design challenges to face, as not everyone wants to share what they do with their controller. But if Xbox One Trending succeeds, it could make games and television viral in a whole new way.

Snap back to the arcade, and 10-year old me is learning all the naughty four-letter words. Each time someone sees their health bar go red, they let out a stream of angry obscenities while onlookers let loose cuss-modified cheers for the victor. But it wasn?t just the sounds. You can hear kids swear at each other all day on Xbox 360 Live. It was the look of anguish in a defeated combatant?s face, the relieved body language of the winner whose reward was one more game and ?a new challenger!?

Xbox One Skype Simultaneous

Xbox One?s new Skype group video chat feature means you can play face to face with friends around the world. It?s infinitely more vivid than the audio and text chat capabilities of the Xbox 360. Smile at each other after a?successful dungeon raid, or dance around as you brag about your touchdown in Madden. Skype for Xbox goes beyond games so you can watch TV, use apps, and more while having a conversation.?Social doesn?t even need to be banished to a second screen. Xbox One ?Snap Mode? lets you use voice commands to open video chat in a slide-out, overlaid window on the edge of your TV.

Skype for Xbox takes video chat and puts it in your comfiest chair. Rather than hunching over your laptop, leaning back on your couch could inspire long conversations over your console. You might ??*gasp*?? even pause your game to chat full screen with your little brother back home. Or it could usher in a new era of simultaneously consumed content, where you having distributed viewing parties for sports and movies rather than cramming your friends in the same room.

Xbox One also comes equipped with automatic, background matchmaking that lets you watch TV or play another game while you wait for a new opponent with a gaming DVR so you can record and share videos of your greatest triumphs or most gruesome game-overs. More people posting those videos to Facebook and Twitter could push serious console gaming ever further into the mainstream.

Of course, some gamers might not want social invading their safe space. Some may use it as a safe space to turn off their good graces, be a bit more primal, and just relax. Pings from friends wanting to Skype chat might be an interruption. Fighting alongside or against other people is all the social interaction they want. But the occasional eye-to-eye encounter could make gaming more fulfilling. If you?ve ever stayed up late playing only to feel a bit empty afterwards, you see the hole a more social Xbox could fill.

Gaming has become a bigger industry than movies. Mobile phones and social networks are bringing games to a wider audience than ever. Yet there?s still a stigma that it?s the realm of unwashed shut-ins and anti-social misfits. The Xbox One and the next generation of social consoles could change that, so even if you play games alone, you?re not a loner anymore.

April 4, 1974


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When casual words from friends hurt

goo Ranking published quite an entertaining pair of surveys, looking at what casual words from female friends hurt men and what casual words from male friends hurt women.


Over the 4th and 5th of April 2013 1,101 members of the goo Research online monitor group completed a private internet-based questionnaire. 50.6% of the sample were male, 23.3% in their teens, 25.2% in their twenties, 25.5% in their thirties, and 26.1% in their forties; there was no-one older than 49 in this sample. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

Number 3 I get quite a bit, but I put it down to either my bad Japanese or funny accent? To be honest, I?ve probably heard most of the list at one time or another?

Ranking results

Q1: What casual words from female friends hurt? (Sample size=557, male)

Rank ? Score
1= Eh? You were there? 100
1= Sorry, but just be quiet for a bit 100
3 I don?t know what you?re saying 85.5
4 And yet you seem attractive to women, right? 74.2
5 By the way, you understand the meaning of what was said? 71.0
6= I see? and the punchline is? 66.1
6= Your salary?s unexpectedly low! 66.1
6= You?re diligent indeed. 66.1
9 Even though you?re a guy you do that? 62.9
9= Don?t they say you?re different? 62.9
11= You never learn! 59.7
11= That stuff you talked about, I?d heard it before 59.7
11= What if you were a bit more masculine? 59.7
14= It would be better if you knew more about the world 53.2
14= And you?re not married? 53.2
14= You look older than your age 53.2
17 You?re cute! 51.6
18 It?s OK, I wasn?t expecting you to achieve that anyway 45.2
19 Talking with you feels like when I?m talking with my girl friends 33.9
20= Your name and your face don?t match 32.3
20= When people get to know you well they?ll realise you?re a good person 32.3
20= You?re cool in your old photos 32.3
23= Your clothes were all the rage last year, right? 27.4
23= You can cook? 27.4
25 You fair put the food away 25.8

Q2: What casual words from male friends hurt? (Sample size=544, female)

Rank ? Score
1 Sorry, but just be quiet for a bit 100
2 You understand the meaning of what was said? 97.1
3 I don?t know what you?re saying 95.7
4 That stuff you talked about, I?d heard it before 91.4
5 Eh? You were there? 82.9
6 It would be better if you knew more about the world 78.6
7 You never learn! 75.7
8= It?s OK, I wasn?t expecting you to achieve that anyway 70.0
8= Don?t they say you?re different? 70.0
10 You can cook? 68.6
11 You?re diligent indeed. 65.7
12 I see? and the punchline is? 61.4
13 And you?re not married? 57.1
14 What if you were a bit more feminine? 55.7
15 And yet you seem attractive to men, right? 54.3
16 Even though you?re a girl you do that? 44.3
17 You look more mature than your age 42.9
18 You fair put the food away 41.4
19 You?re cute in this Print Club photo 40.0
20= You usually don?t bother being elegent 38.6
20= You?re cute in your old photos 38.6
22 Talking with you feels like when I?m talking with my guy friends 30.0
23 Your clothes were all the rage last year, right? 27.1
24 When people get to know you well they?ll realise you?re a good person 24,3
25 Your name and your face don?t match 21.4
26 Today?s a no make up day, right! 20.0
27 You?re carrying on like a guy 18.6
28 That?s quite a boyish name 17.1
29 Your salary?s unexpectedly low! 14.3
30 You?re cool! 10.0
Read more on: gender,goo ranking,hurt



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Monday, May 20, 2013

Will Nicki Minaj And Lil Wayne Finally Kiss At Billboard Awards?

MTV News takes a look at who will perform and who might win at the show, airing Sunday on ABC.
By Jocelyn Vena

Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj in her "High School" music video
Photo: Young Money


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Obama to detail terrorism policy including drone attacks and Guant?namo Bay prison

In a national security speech, President Obama will explain his policies dealing with terrorism, the use of drone aircraft, Al Qaeda, and the military prison at Guant?namo Bay, Cuba.

By Brad Knickerbocker,?Staff writer / May 19, 2013

Activists mark the 100th day of a prisoners' hunger strike at Guant?namo Bay during a protest in front of the White House in Washington Friday. President Obama is scheduled to address Guant?namo, drone attacks, and other aspects of his counterrorism policy in a speech this week.

Joshua Roberts/REUTERS


In what?s being billed by the White House as a major national security speech, President Obama this week will explain his policies dealing with counterterrorism, the use of drone aircraft, Al Qaeda, and the military prison at Guant?namo Bay, Cuba.

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?He will review the state of the threats we face, particularly as the Al Qaeda core has weakened but new dangers have emerged,? a White House official told reporters, according to the Washington Post. ?He will discuss the policy and legal framework under which we take action against terrorist threats, including the use of drones. And he will review our detention policy and efforts to close the detention facility at Guant?namo Bay.?

Obama?s speech is scheduled to be delivered at the National Defense University on Thursday. It comes as the administration is under fire for its handling of the terrorist attack on the US diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya, last November, which killed US Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, and just a month after the Boston Marathon bombing said by its surviving suspect to have been retribution for US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

When he first ran for the presidency in 2008, Obama pledged to close the detention facility at Guant?namo Bay, but congressional opponents have been able to block that ever since.

"It is expensive. It is inefficient. It hurts us in terms of our international standing. It lessens co-operation with our allies on counter-terrorism efforts. It is a recruitment for extremists. It needs to be closed," the president said recently.

Guant?namo Bay ? ?Gitmo,? as it?s called ? in recent months has become even more problematic for Obama and the US image.

?The renewed focus on Guant?namo Bay comes amid a widespread hunger strike among inmates there that has now gone on for more than 100 days,? the Guardian newspaper reported Sunday. ?The protest, and disturbing reports on conditions at the camp and how inmates are being painfully force-fed, has led to calls to close the camp for good.?


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Streetlight Manifesto: Ungrateful

Streetlight Manifesto's new record, The Hands That Thieve, is an instant classic in the ever-shrinking world of really stellar ska music simply by virtue of being a Streetlight Manifesto album. But what "Ungrateful" brings to the table is something a little subtler; it's a great Catch 22 song.

"Ungrateful" harkens back to the spring of 1998 with a sort of alarming intensity. Its earnestly self-defeated lyrics contrasted against an utterly triumphant melody?mandatory shout-chorus included?check off all the most important of boxes on the ska-checklist. It's a delightfully pared-down ditty on an album otherwise filled with more characteristically (and characteristically awesome) Streetlight songs.

But basically what I am trying to say here is that this is a good song; listen to it. And if you're a fan, the rest of the album is fantastically catchy too. Check it out and you'll be glad you did. [Spotify, Amazon, iTunes]


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Ex-Pa. officer once hailed as hero faces charges

PHILADELPHIA (AP) ? A former Philadelphia police officer once hailed as a hero and given a seat next to the first lady at a speech by President Obama has been arrested and charged with rape and other crimes.

Authorities allege that former officer Richard DeCoatsworth left a party with two females early Thursday and took them to another location, where they allege that he produced a handgun and "forced the two females to engage in the use of narcotics and sexual acts."

A police spokeswoman said the two called police after he left, and 27-year-old DeCoatsworth was charged with rape, sexual assault, terroristic threats and related offenses.

DeCoatsworth was hailed as a hero after he was shot in the face during a traffic stop in September 2007 but still managed to chase after his attacker, who was later sentenced to 36 to 72 years in prison.

DeCoatsworth was invited by Vice President Joe Biden to attend the president's televised February 2009 address to Congress and sat with first lady Michelle Obama. He said he didn't know why he had been singled out, but being in the presence of the nation's leaders was an honor "that I will keep with me for the rest of my life."

WCAU-TV, which first reported his arrest, said DeCoatsworth retired from the department on disability in December 2011.

Police said no other information on the alleged attack would be released Saturday to protect the victims and the integrity of the ongoing investigation. Authorities declined to say give even general locations for the party and alleged crime scene and also wouldn't say when DeCoatsworth was arrested.

A listed number for DeCoatsworth has been disconnected and it was unclear whether he had an attorney.

Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey told a Philadelphia Daily News columnist in February of last year that he believed he had made a mistake in granting the former officer's request to go back to work too soon after he was shot.

"God bless him for still wanting to get out there and do police work, but did I act in his best interest? In hindsight, I would say probably not," Ramsey told columnist Sty Bykofsky.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Merkel and Pope talk about a 'strong' Europe

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? German Chancellor Angela Merkel, mindful of the importance of Christian voters in September elections, met with Pope Francis on Saturday during a quick trip to Rome that focused on helping victims of Europe's economic crisis and emphasizing the continent's Christian roots.

Merkel spoke privately for 45 minutes with the pope at the Apostolic Palace, after exchanging cordial greetings in German.

Her Christian Democrat party depends heavily on support from Protestant and Catholic voters, and the chat and photo opportunity could be a welcome campaign boost for a leader largely identified by Europe's economically suffering citizens as a champion of debt reduction, including painful austerity across much of the continent.

For its part, the Vatican is eager for allies in its campaign to win over more Catholics. Francis was leading a sort of pep rally for the faith in St. Peter's Square Saturday evening, attended by about 150,000 people.

Most were from Europe but many came from the pope's native South America. They sang and prayed during an hours-long gathering ahead of the pope's appearance.

On Thursday, Francis blasted what he called a "cult of money" in a global financial system that ends up tyrannizing, not helping, the world's poor.

Asked whether they had also talked about the pope's recent criticism, Merkel said they spoke about the regulation of the financial markets.

"The regulation of the financial markets is our central problem, our central task," Merkel told reporters on the Vatican grounds. "We are moving ahead, but we are not yet where we want to be, where we could say that a derailment of the guard rails of social market won't happen again."

Merkel added: "It ought to be like this: the economy is there to serve the people. In the last few years, this hasn't been the case at all everywhere."

Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and especially Greece have seen governments concentrate on debt reduction while slashing state spending. With growth stymied, unemployment, especially among young people, has soared. Businesses, many of them family-run in southern Europe, have failed as bank lending dried up.

The chancellor said the pope had stressed the world needs a strong and just Europe, and she described the overall conversation has encouraging.

Merkel is currently campaigning for re-election in September's general elections. Half of Germany's population is Catholic. In Bavaria especially there is a strong conservative and Catholic tradition.

According to a Vatican statement, Francis and Merkel discussed the socio-political, economic and religious situation in Europe and in the world, including "safeguarding human rights, the persecutions faced by Christians" and religious freedom.

Francis, who is Argentine, has picked up on campaigns by the two previous popes, the Polish John Paul II and German Benedict XVI, to reinvigorate what the Catholic church sees as flagging religious enthusiasm on a continent with Christian roots, including dwindling number of churchgoers in much of Western Europe.

"I see continuity in the missionary aspect, in becoming aware of the importance of Christianity for our Christian roots," said Merkel, adding that the "simple and touching words" of Francis, who was elected pontiff two months ago, are already reaching people.

The Vatican also uses papal visits with major leaders to seek allies in lobbying on behalf of Christians who face discrimination and in some cases physical violence in parts of the world.

Merkel said she has reflected on how she and Francis both had spent part of their lives in countries once under dictatorships ? her native East Germany under Soviet-influenced communist rule, and the pope's Argentine homeland, once ruled by a bloody military dictatorship.


AP correspondent Kirsten Grieshaber contributed from Berlin.


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Opportunity breaks 40-year old NASA space-drive record, reminds Curiosity who's boss

Opportunity breaks 40-year old NASA space-drive record, reminds Curiosity who's boss

If you thought current media-darling Curiosity is where all the martian action is right now, think again. Its elder sibling, Opportunity, is still rolling up there too. In fact, it's just wheeled its way into a little page of NASA history: the longest distance one of its vehicles has traveled on a body beyond Earth. A recent short (by our standards) trip of 263 feet took its total to 22.22 miles covered on Mars' surface since landing in January 2004. The previous title holder was a Lunar Rover, part of the Apollo 17 mission over 40 years ago, that covered (if you hadn't guessed) 22.21 miles. Opportunity's not beat the world galaxy record though. That honor goes to the Soviet Lunokhod rover, which totted up a total of 23 lunar-based miles back in 1973. In relative terms, Curiosity's barely stretched its legs.

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Source: NASA


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Bombs kill 9 inside elite Afghan housing complex

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) ? Two bombs hidden in a motorcycle and a car exploded inside an elite gated community linked to the family of Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Friday evening, killing at least nine people and wounding more than 70 near the southern city of Kandahar, an official said.

The blasts happened inside Aino Mina, a housing complex on the northern outskirts of the city that was developed in part by Mahmood Karzai, the president's younger brother.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but striking inside a powerful symbol of wealth and influence would be a publicity coup for the Taliban insurgency.

Both the car bomb and the motorcycle were remotely detonated within minutes of each other while parked next to a restaurant area where families were dining, Kandahar government spokesman Javeed Faisal said. He had earlier said there was only one blast.

Three police were among the dead, Faisal said, adding that an investigation is underway into how the explosives-laden vehicle slipped past the community's heavy security.

Many of the dozens of wounded brought to Mirwais Hospital in Kandahar were in critical condition, Dr. Samad Ahmadi said.

Aino Mina is home to thousands of Afghan government officials, businessmen and other wealthy citizens who pay some $90,000 for a three-bedroom house on grounds featuring parks, a jogging track, a football field and its own mosque.

Residents have special identification badges, and cars are typically searched before entering the gates.

Mahmood Karzai was one of the main investors into the project, promoted as a triumph of modernity in Kandahar, which is the spiritual birthplace of the Taliban insurgency. The Taliban imposed a harsh interpretation of Islamic law when it led Afghanistan for five years, before they were ousted in the U.S.-led invasion that followed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. by al-Qaida, which was based in the country at the time.

The Karzai clan itself is from Kandahar and another brother of the president, Ahmed Wali Karzai, was a powerful political figure there before being gunned down in 2011 by a bodyguard.

President Karzai's office quickly condemned the attack, noting it was the second terrorist strike in a residential area in two days. On Thursday, a suicide car bomber hit a U.S. convoy in a residential part of eastern Kabul, killing 15 people, including nine Afghan bystanders and six Americans. That attack was claimed by another militant movement, Hizb-e-Islami.

"Terrorists, by these acts that are un-Islamic and inhumane, are not the followers of any religion," Karzai's statement said.

Attacks on both military and civilian targets have been on the rise since the Taliban launched their spring offensive late last month, aiming to weaken the Afghan government ahead of the withdrawal of most international forces by the end of next year.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Political storm over IRS targeting scandal shifts to Congress

By John Whitesides

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A House of Representatives panel on Friday opens the first in a series of investigative hearings in Congress on the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of conservative groups for extra tax scrutiny, as the political storm over the scandal shifts to Capitol Hill.

Lawmakers from both parties are expected to grill the outgoing acting head of the agency, Steven Miller, and the Treasury Department inspector general for tax administration, J. Russell George, about the growing scandal that threatens to eclipse President Barack Obama's second-term agenda.

Miller was forced to resign on Wednesday, and Obama has since appeared in public twice to condemn the IRS's actions and promise full cooperation with three congressional investigations and a Justice Department probe.

Members of the House Ways and Means Committee are expected to press Miller at the hearing about why he did not disclose the practice of targeting conservative groups after learning about it in 2012, even when he was questioned about it by members of Congress.

Republicans, who have demanded more answers and angrily accused the administration of using government powers to target political foes, also are likely to question whether other groups or donors were singled out because of their political views, and whether the White House knew of the practice.

And as some Republicans use the scandal to raise questions about the IRS's ability to oversee parts of Obama's overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system, they may turn their attention to Sarah Hall Ingram, who led the agency's tax-exempt section when the targeting of conservative groups began and now is in charge of the IRS division handling healthcare.

Friday's hearing is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. EDT (1300 GMT).

"There are still far too many unanswered questions and until we know what truly happened, we cannot fully fix what is wrong," said Committee Chairman Dave Camp, a Republican from Michigan.

"The IRS has demonstrated a culture of cover up and has failed time and time again to be completely open and honest with the American people," Camp said.

George, who investigated the complaints against the IRS, issued a public report earlier this week that blamed ineffective management and bureaucratic confusion at the IRS for the agency's inappropriate targeting of conservative political groups for extra scrutiny when considering applications for tax-exempt status.

But George also could face vigorous questioning from Republicans about why he did not issue warnings about the practice earlier.

The political storm over the scandal has put Obama on the defensive at a time when he is negotiating with Republicans on a budget deal and trying to push a comprehensive immigration reform bill through Congress.

Two other committees, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the Senate Finance Committee, also will hold IRS hearings next week.


Representative Devin Nunes of California, a Republican member of the Ways and Means panel, said Friday's hearing will kick off a months-long investigative process. Nunes said he was suspicious of the tax agency's motives in targeting groups with names that included "Tea Party" or "Patriot."

"Common sense tells me it probably just wasn't two low-level employees in Cincinnati sitting around strategizing about how to go after the Tea Party," Nunes told reporters on Thursday.

Representative Sander Levin of Michigan, the top Democrat on the panel, said he was concerned that Republicans could turn the probe into a partisan witch hunt.

"There is a tendency to politicize. That would be a terrible mistake," Levin told reporters. "There are people who conjecture, who are trying to make connections. If there is no basis for it, that is also a mistake."

Camp and Levin sent the IRS a letter on Tuesday outlining the information they were seeking in the probe, including all documents relating to the targeting and any information on who knew about the practice and when they became aware of it.

The letter also asked for any other organizations singled out for their political views and the search terms used to find them, as well as all documents related to possible special reviews of groups whose missions involved Israel and all communication with the White House on the process.

Given the three congressional investigations and the Justice Department probe, Obama said, there was no need for a special prosecutor to look into the allegations.

"Between those investigations I think we're going to be able to figure out exactly what happened, who was involved, what went wrong, and we're going to be able to implement steps to fix it," Obama said at a Rose Garden news conference on Thursday.

(Reporting by John Whitesides; Additional reporting by Kim Dixon; Editing by Karey Van Hall, Lisa Shumaker and Eric Beech)


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Friday, May 17, 2013

AT&T's U-verse gets new On Demand hub, promises simpler discovery for movies and TV shows

AT&T's U-verse gets new On Demand hub, promises simpler discovery for movies and TV shows

Considering it's not one of the company's key operations, it's safe to say AT&T's been successful in its efforts to build out U-verse. Now, in an effort to make life on the couch a little less complicated for subscribers, the Rethink Possible network is introducing an all-new On Demand storefront. With a focus on making content easier to discover, AT&T says the UI will make for an intuitive way to navigate the menus. Additionally, you'll find some novel search tools that should make it easier to find movies and TV shows. U-verse customers will now also see a "My" section, allowing them to quickly access rentals, queued up flicks and promos that AT&T may be offering. The newfangled U-Verse On Demand will be available in more than 45 markets starting today, with more being expected to join "on an ongoing basis throughout the year."

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Source: AT&T


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Galaxy's 'burning ring of fire' is frenetic region of star formation

May 16, 2013 ? Johnny Cash may have preferred this galaxy's burning ring of fire to the one he sang about falling into in his popular song. The "starburst ring" seen at center in red and yellow hues is not the product of love, as in the song, but is instead a frenetic region of star formation.

The galaxy, a spiral beauty called Messier 94, is located about 17 million light-years away. In this image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, infrared light is represented in different colors, with blue having the shortest wavelengths and red, the longest.

Starburst rings like this can often be triggered by gravitational encounters with other galaxies but, in this case, may have instead been caused by the galaxy's oval shape. Gas in the ring is being converted into hot, young stars, which then warm the dust, causing it to glow with infrared light.

The outer, faint blue ring around the galaxy might be an optical illusion. Astronomers think that two separate spiral arms appear as a single unbroken ring when viewed from our position in space.

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Data are archived at the Infrared Science Archive housed at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech. Caltech manages JPL for NASA. For more information about Spitzer, visit and .

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Schieffer: "Is anybody home" in Washington? (cbsnews)

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Tim Cook says US-made Mac will be new model in an existing family

Tim Cook says USmade Mac will be new model from existing family

When Apple's Tim Cook revealed that his company would once more assemble a Mac line in the US, there was a flood of questions almost immediately: which model? Where would it be made? While the CEO isn't revealing all his cards quite yet, he just gave us a better sense of those domestic production plans through a Politico interview. The American Mac will be a new iteration of an existing family, Cook says. It also won't just be a collection of parts shipped from overseas, as multiple pieces will come from Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky and Texas. We're glad to hear that Apple's partial shift to US manufacturing is sincere, although the timing of the news isn't coincidental: Cook is about to defend Apple's growing offshore cash supply in front a Senate committee, and any visible support for the US economy is likely to burnish his firm's image.

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Via: The Verge

Source: Politico


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Thursday, May 16, 2013

There have been 900 million Android activations, 48 billion app installs to date

There have been 900 million Android activations, 48 billion app installs to date

What would a Google liveblog be without some updates on Android activations? Well, in case you're curious, the newest figure is 900 million -- a big jump from the 400 million activations reported last year. What's more, Google says there have been 48 billion app installations to date, including 2.8 billion in the last month alone, with revenue per user 2.5 times what it was a year ago. To put that in context, that's not far off Apple's latest numbers: the company has logged just under 50 billion downloads of its own.

Moving on to Chrome, meanwhile, Google is touting 750 million active users, and that includes not just the desktop, but phones and tablets too. That's up from 450 million users at this time last year, with 300 million switching over in the past 12 months. Finally, if you want to get really granular, Google also gave an update on its Google Cloud Messaging service, which was announced last year. Apparently, 60 percent of apps are now using GCM, and 17 billion messages are pushed through the service per day. We'll let you chew on that for a moment while you follow the liveblog, but it seems to us now would be a good time to start placing bets on when we hit the 1-billion-activations mark.



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Hot off the press: Seen and heard in Cannes

CANNES, France (AP) ? Associated Press journalists open their notebooks at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival:



Zach Braff isn't just counting on the $2.7 million he raised on the crowd-funding platform Kickstarter to make his follow-up movie to "Garden State." Worldwide Entertainment has stepped in at Cannes as a financier for that film, "Wish I Was Here."

It's not uncommon for a film to find additional foreign investors at Cannes, but Braff has come under considerable criticism for relying on fans to bankroll his second directorial effort.

In one of the most high-profile Kickstarter campaigns, the "Scrubs" actor lobbied his fans to contribute money. The film's 38,000-plus backers earn various levels of rewards, from a copy of the script to a part in the film.

On his Kickstarter page, Braff denied that he was doing anything to undermine the spirit of crowd-funding. He said the additional funds would allow him to make the film as designed, within a budget of $5-6 million.

"I'm sorry for the hoopla," he wrote. "I'm sorry if your friends think you've been duped. But you haven't been. This is real. Crowd-sourcing films is here to stay."

Braff follows Rob Thomas' popular Kickstarter campaign to bring the cult TV show "Veronica Mars" back as a film. That project, too, had outside investment from Warner Bros.

? Jake Coyle, Twitter:



Not everyone is a fan of "The Great Gatsby'''s hip-hop flavored soundtrack, but director Baz Luhrmann says using modern music was essential to capturing the spirit of F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1925 novel.

"We wanted the film to feel like how it would have felt to read the novel in 1925," the director told reporters at the Cannes Film Festival, where the movie provided opening-night screen fireworks and red-carpet glamor.

"Fitzgerald put music front and center in his novel. He took African-American street music called jazz and he put it right as a star in the book. People said, 'Why are you doing that? It's a fad, it'll be gone next week.' And he said, because I want this book to feel right here, right now."

Luckily for Luhrmann, "Gatsby" star Leonardo DiCaprio introduced him to Jay-Z, and the superstar agreed to help score the film. Two of Jay-Z's own tracks ? "$100 Bill" and the Grammy-winning jam "No Church in the Wild" ? feature on the soundtrack, and he elicited contributions from the wife Beyonce, Emeli Sande and Lana Del Rey.

Luhrmann also used the soundtrack to counter criticism of the absence of African-American speaking characters in the movie ? as in Fitzgerald's book.

"Jay said that music is a star in the film so I think there is a great African-American presence in this film and I am very, very grateful for it," he said.

?Jill Lawless, Twitter:



The French Riviera is a magnet for gamblers, so it's no surprise that oddsmakers are speculating furiously about who will win prizes from the Cannes Film Festival jury headed by Steven Spielberg.

Journalist and Cannes betting expert Neil Young ranks "Grisgris," by Chadian filmmaker Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, the early favorite for the Palme d'Or prize at 5-1. That is followed by "The Past," from Iran's Asghar Farhadi ? who won an Academy Award for "A Separation" ? at 11-2 and U.S. director James Gray's 1920s New York story "The Immigrant" at 13-2.

Other frontrunners are "Like Father, Like Son" from Korean director Kore-eda Hirokazu; Arnaud Desplechin's "Jimmy P," with Benicio del Toro as a traumatized Native American war veteran; and Alexander Payne's road movie "Nebraska."

But none of those films has even screened yet, and the odds are sure to change often before the prizes are handed out May 26.

?Jill Lawless, Twitter:



Add Julianne Moore to those who are commending Angelina Jolie for her decision to reveal her choice to have a double mastectomy.

"I'm impressed with her and I'm impressed with her announcement, particularly because I feel there are so many women who are facing the same kind of choice, and it's a way to kind of validate and have solidarity with women who are having the same issue," Moore said in an interview from Cannes.

"It's obviously a really, really complicated (decision), and so I think her decision to go public about something like that can only help other women."

Jolie announced this week that she had both breasts removed recently because she had a very high chance of developing breast and ovarian cancer. Jolie has since had reconstructive surgery. Jolie's mother had breast cancer and died of ovarian cancer, while her grandmother suffered from ovarian cancer.

?Nekesa Mumbi Moody, Twitter:



The chefs who prepared the dinner for the Cannes Film Festival's opening gala were as starry as the guests.

Anne Sophie Pic, who is a three-star Michelin chef, and Bruno Oger, who has two, collaborated for the four-course meal after the festival's opening night film of "The Great Gatsby" on Wednesday night.

Guests were treated to a menu that included King crab with shrimp and sea bass with rhubarb and celery. Select media were given a preview on Tuesday.

Pic and Oger will join other chefs during the festival at the Electrolux Agora Pavillion to ensure that VIPs get top cuisine.

?Nekesa Mumbi Moody, Twitter:


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'NCIS,' 'How I Met Your Mother' and more: Check out CBS's schedule for the fall 2013 TV season

When will 'NCIS,' 'How I Met Your Mother,' and other CBS shows air next fall? Here's CBS's fall TV schedule.

By The TV Addict,?The TV Addict / May 15, 2013

'NCIS' stars Sean Murray (l.) and Mark Harmon (r.).

Cliff Lipson/CBS Entertainment/AP


Snap judgments, photos and video to come, but until then, enjoy this first look at CBS?s just announced Fall 2013 Primetime Schedule ? with new shows as per usual highlighted in orange ? after the jump.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The United Nations Wants Us to All Start Eating Bugs

The world is expected to have a whopping 9 billion people by 2050, and between overfishing and climate change, it's gonna be kinda hard to come up with enough food for all those hungry mouths. So the U.N. thinks they've stumbled upon a novel solution: we all need to learn to love the taste of bugs.

In a new report released by the global body's Food and Agriculture Organization, the U.N also makes the case that bug eating can help us slim down and fight malnutrition in developing countries. They break down the reasons for eating bugs into three main categories: health, environmental, and economic/social:

? Health:
- Insects are healthy, nutritious alternatives to mainstream staples such as chicken,?pork, beef and even fish (from ocean catch).
- Many insects are rich in protein and good fats and high in calcium, iron and zinc.
- Insects already form a traditional part of many regional and national diets.
? Environmental:
- Insects promoted as food emit considerably fewer greenhouse gases (GHGs) than?most livestock (methane, for instance, is produced by only a few insect groups,?such as termites and cockroaches).
- Insect rearing is not necessarily a land-based activity and does not require?landclearing to expand production. Feed is the major requirement for land.
- The ammonia emissions associated with insect rearing are also far lower than?those linked to conventional livestock, such as pigs.
- Because they are cold-blooded, insects are very efficient at converting feed into?protein (crickets, for example, need 12 times less feed than cattle, four times less?feed than sheep, and half as much feed as pigs and broiler chickens to produce?the same amount of protein).
- Insects can be fed on organic waste streams.
? Livelihoods (economic and social factors):
- Insect harvesting/rearing is a low-tech, low-capital investment option that offers?entry even to the poorest sections of society, such as women and the landless.
- Minilivestock offer livelihood opportunities for both urban and rural people.
- Insect rearing can be low-tech or very sophisticated, depending on the level?of investment.

So which bugs does the U.N. think should be added to our dinner plate in the near future? Beetles are among the most popular insects currently enjoyed as a delicacy from Central and South America all the way to Oceania. Mopane caterpillars are especially popular in Southern Africa, and form the backbone of a $85 billion harvest industry. And more than 30 anti-containing products have been approved for consumption by authorities in China.?

In fact, so many people around the world are already eating insects, that the U.N report points out that it is mainly Western households that need to get over their fear of bugs and start thinking of them less as a nuisance, and more as a cheap source of nutrition and protein.?



Would you eat bugs for dinner? Let us know in the comments below.?

Related stories on TakePart:

? The Cost of Overfishing? $36 Billion a Year ... And Counting!

? For Dinner Tonight: Bug Soup, Mashed Insects

? 5 Bugs That Make the World a Better Place

Max Follmer is the Executive Producer of Series and Franchises at He has previously covered elections and politics for the Biloxi Sun-Herald, The Huffington Post, and the Los Angeles Daily Journal.? Follow him on Twitter @MaxTakePart


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