Saturday, January 12, 2013

Re: 1850 Watts free energy power ? New GEGENE circuit by JL Naudin shows COP = 2.8

ok you are wright
but a troll repeat the same thing again and again ...
stop trolling

I agree, I have mentioned that PF should be considered a couple of times.
Nobody has disputed this yet, I could be wrong - does PF play a big part in the core measurements of this system? Is it the single most important measurement in terms of validation? All the claims are based on power measurements, all I am saying is that they aren't measured properly. Are you saying they are or are you just looking for an argument, I sure wasn't - I thought this info was useful?

Seems to me a troll is someone who points out things which are (not might be) wrong - this benefits others! Dont label people trolls just because they offer sensible advice which you don't like.

Sorry if that appears a little harsh.

Have you replicated the cct or do you have anything to offer to the people who might - or are you simply here to belittle the people who don't blindly believe something is correct?

I don't consider myself a troll although your little outburst certainly makes me feel that you are.

Offer some useful info - don't just bully people who offer sensible info and opinion. There are more opinions than yours. What was wrong with the info or the way it was presented?

You're the troll :)

PS: Are you happy for people to repeat test setup a which aren't correct? Why wouldn't you want to help people? Oh, and helping people isn't necessarily just cheer leading and back slapping - sometimes it's educating people on common measurement errors - this is important as its all part of the validation process......unless you think 'doing things properly' is wrong?


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