Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tiger: Creative Writing Worksheet

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by Other Adjectives, Animals | Views: 372 | Level: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate | 5 out of 5, rated by 2 teachers Tweet
Tiger: Creative Writing Worksheet It's a creative free writing worksheet which you can use for your elementary students, words are given - let your students use all the words and describe a tiger in their own words. You can use this worksheet also for pre intermediate and intermediate students. Similar Worksheets
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Website design & development for small business India USA Canada

Most of the urban people of today are mobile Internet users. Whenever a new smart phone hits the market, it sells like a hotcake. Apart from smart phones, regular mobile sets give Internet access and integrate social networking. Youngsters are using tabs to go trendy. Tabs come with Internet connectivity, too. So, Internet access is not a big deal in present times, ruled by digital technology. With the increasing sale of mobile phones and tabs, the number of Internet users is evidently on the rise.? You are perhaps wondering what the purpose of this talk is. Am I right?

Do you ever think that you can sell your product or service to this mobile Internet using population, through a small business website? Yes, this is what I am looking to make you understand. You have a small business, and therefore you don?t find the idea of having a website a feasible one. As far as I think, you are not aware of how a website can make a difference in the performance of your business. If your business is located in a Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3 city, you can take the advantage of your urban business presence through a website. How? To know, go through the rest.

Like print newspaper classifieds, there are classifieds on the Internet. To say precisely, these are dedicated classified websites where businesses, small and big, are advertised with along with their physical addresses and contact details. The sole purpose is to fetch potential customers to their stores. However, this policy does not benefit big businesses and small businesses equally. The main point of difference between big businesses and small ones is a website, in this respect.

Large-scale businesses have their own websites. Their business website address is mentioned in online classified ads of a specific category. They receive a good volume of traffic from the daily visitors to online classified portals via their website links. Thus they are quick enough to trap the traffic for the selling of their products or services. And, you are losing them out to your rivals just because of having no website. Who is benefitted ? they or you?

Being small or big in business does not matter. What matters most is the target market exposure that a website provides. If you have a small business website and if you mention the website address in online classified ads, the viewers of your classified advertisement will surely click on the website link and explore what you are offering, what the latest product is, and what the market price is. Today?s Internet savvy shoppers prefer to view a product online before visiting the store where is the product is available.

Having a website for your small business is a sort of online marketing trick. If you don?t try this trick, others will do and benefit from it. Leaving the market open to your rivals is not a good business policy. Most of small business owners hesitate to have a website. It is mainly because they are worried of web design costs. High web design cost for small businesses is simply a misconception. Small business website design services are quite affordable at some web design companies.

Hope, you have got the purpose of this entire discussion. You too can gain a share of the online market. But you need to have a website for your small business for that.

Dipankar Banerjee

I am a web designer and developer based in Kolkata, India. My specialties are WordPress Theme design and development for Blog and CMS solution, working with Responsive theme and layouts, Landing pages , Organic SEO, Facebook Tabs/pages, website maintenance and redesigning solution and many more custom services for clients mostly from North America?


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#SciAmBlogs Friday - Glassfrogs, Age of Miracles, bad smells, Rotifer in Motion, chemophobia, Geodesign and more.

Bora ZivkovicAbout the Author: Bora Zivkovic is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences and editor of Open Laboratory anthologies of best science writing on the Web. Follow on Twitter @boraz.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.


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It's time to howl at the Full Wolf Moon


Up-close exploration of the moon, Earth's only natural satellite, began in 1959 and hasn't stopped. Take a look at scenes from 50 years of moon exploration.

By Joe Rao,

The first full moon of 2013 will light up the night sky on Saturday night, but did you know it's a full moon of many names?

Full moon names date back to the Native American tribes of a few hundred years ago, who lived in what is now the northern and eastern United States. Those tribes kept track of the seasons by giving distinctive names to each recurring full moon. Their names were applied to the entire month in which each occurred.

There were some variations in the moon names, but in general, the same ones were used throughout the Algonquin tribes from New England on west to Lake Superior. European settlers followed their own customs and created some of their own names. Since the lunar (or "synodic") month is roughly 29.5 days in length on average, the dates of the full moon shift from year to year.

Here is a listing of all of the full moon names, as well as the dates and times for 2013. Unless otherwise noted, all times are for the Eastern time zone:

Jan. 26, 11:38 p.m. ET ?Full Wolf Moon: Amid the zero cold and deep snows of midwinter, the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Indian villages.? It was also known as the Old Moon or the Moon after Yule.? In some tribes this was the Full Snow Moon; most applied that name to the next moon. [Full Moon: Why Does It Happen? (Video)]

Feb. 25, 3:26 p.m. ET ?Full Snow Moon: Usually the heaviest snows fall in this month. Hunting becomes very difficult, and hence, to some tribes this was the Full Hunger Moon.?

March 27, 5:27 a.m. ET ?Full Worm Moon: In this month the ground softens and the earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of the robins. The more northern tribes knew this as the Full Crow Moon, when the cawing of crows signals the end of winter, or the Full Crust Moon, because the snow cover becomes crusted from thawing by day and freezing at night. The Full Sap Moon, marking the time of tapping maple trees, is another variation. [Phases of the Moon in 2013: A Lunar Calendar]

In 2013, this is also the Paschal Full Moon?? the first full moon of the spring season. The first Sunday following the paschal moon is Easter Sunday, which indeed will be observed four days later on Sunday, March 31.

April 25, 3:57 p.m. ET ??Full Pink Moon: The grass pink or wild phlox is one of the earliest widespread flowers of the spring. Other names were the Full Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and ? among coastal tribes ? the Full Fish Moon, when the shad come upstream to spawn. The moon will also undergo a very slight partial lunar eclipse, which will be visible from the Eastern Hemisphere, but not from North America. At its peak, less than 1.5 percent of the moon's diameter will be immersed in Earth?s umbral shadow; a very underwhelming event, to say the least.

May 25, 12:25 a.m. ET ??Full Flower Moon: Flowers are now abundant everywhere. It was also known as the Full Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon. The moon will also undergo a penumbral lunar eclipse, but the passage of the moon's disk into Earth's shadow will result in one of the slightest eclipses of all, administering a mere touch of penumbral shadow at the northernmost part of the lunar limb.

June 23, 7:32 a.m. ET ??Full Strawberry Moon: Strawberry-picking season peaks during this month.? Europeans called this the Rose Moon. The moon will also arrive at perigee only 32 minutes earlier, at 7 a.m. ET at a distance of 221,824 miles (356,991 kilometers) from Earth. So this is the biggest full moon of 2013. Very high ocean tides can be expected during the next two or three days, thanks to the coincidence of perigee with the full moon.?

July 22, 2:16 p.m. ET??Full Buck Moon: Named for when the new antlers of buck deer push out from their foreheads in coatings of velvety fur. It was also often called the Full Thunder Moon, thunderstorms now being most frequent. Sometimes it's also called the Full Hay Moon.

Aug. 20, 9:45 p.m. ET ??Full Sturgeon Moon: This large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water like Lake Champlain is most readily caught at this time. A few tribes knew it as the Full Red Moon, because when the moon rises it looks reddish through a sultry haze. It was also known as the Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon.

Sept. 19, 7:13 a.m. ET ??Full Harvest Moon: Traditionally, this designation goes to the full moon that occurs closest to the autumnal (fall) equinox. The Harvest Moon usually comes in September, but (on average) once or twice a decade it will fall in early October.? At the peak of the harvest, farmers can work into the night by the light of this moon.?

Usually the moon rises an average of 50 minutes later each night, but for the few nights around the Harvest Moon, the moon seems to rise at nearly the same time each night: just 25 to 30 minutes later across the U.S., and only 10 to 20 minutes later for much of Canada and Europe. Corn, pumpkins, squash, beans and wild rice ? the chief Indian staples ? are now ready for gathering.

Oct. 18, 7:38 p.m. ET ??Full Hunters' Moon: With the leaves falling and the deer fattened, it's now time to hunt.? Since the fields have been reaped, hunters can ride over the stubble, and can more easily see the fox, as well as other animals, which can be caught for a Thanksgiving banquet after the harvest.?

A penumbral lunar eclipse will also take place. Perhaps for some minutes centered on the time of greatest eclipse (7:50 p.m. ET) the penumbra might be marginally detectable over the moon?s southernmost limb, for at that moment the penumbral magnitude will reach 76.5 percent.? Those living across the eastern half of North America might see some evidence of this faint penumbral shading soon after local moonrise.

Nov. 17, 10:16 a.m. ET ?Full Beaver Moon: At this point of the year, it's time to set beaver traps before the swamps freeze to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Beaver Full Moon came from the fact that the beavers are now active in their preparation for winter. It's also called the Frosty Moon.

Dec. 17, 4:28 a.m. ET ??Full Cold Moon: On occasion, this moon was also called the Moon Before Yule. December is also the month the winter cold fastens its grip. Sometimes this moon is referred to as the Full Long Nights Moon, and the term "Long Night" Moon is a very appropriate name because the nights are now indeed long and the moon is above the horizon a long time. This particular full moon makes its highest arc across the night sky because it's diametrically opposite to the low sun.? skywatching columnist Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York's Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for The?New York Times and other publications, and he is also an on-camera meteorologist for News 12 Westchester, New York.?

? 2013 All rights reserved.?More from


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Research Looks At Starchy Diet's Role In Dogs' Evolution

Some dogs need to be on specialized diets for health reasons, but most eat just about anything. That wasn't always the case, however. The domestic dog's ancestor, the wolf, ate only meat. Research suggests for dogs to live with humans, they had to adapt to a starchy diet.

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It took a very long time for this...


MONTAGNE: evolve into this.


MONTAGNE: But the gray wolf is the ancestor of all domesticated dogs, including that Jack Russell terrier we just heard. Just how wolves came to live with people isn't really known.

But as NPR's Veronique LaCapra reports, a new study suggests that food may have played a role.

VERONIQUE LACAPRA, BYLINE: Most dogs will eat just about anything.


LACAPRA: That's my dog, Sophie, chowing down on some kibble. But what she really loves are pizza crusts.


LACAPRA: My old dog loved French fries. And my Dad's dogs prefer bits of flour tortilla. But dogs didn't always have such eclectic palates. They evolved from wolves, and wolves pretty much only eat meat. Somewhere along the line, Sophie's ancestors acquired a taste for starchy food.

Now, dog food wasn't on Erik Axelsson's mind when he started looking for genetic differences between dogs and wolves. He's an evolutionary biologist at Upsalla University in Sweden. Axelsson found changes in genes related to the nervous system but he also noticed something else.

ERIK AXELSSON: Three key genes involved in the digestion of starch also look differently in dogs and wolves.

LACAPRA: He says he expected to find differences in nervous system genes since dogs behave very differently from wolves. But the ability to digest starch?

AXELSSON: That was surprising. I mean no one has really been hypothesizing about any such changes. On the other hand, it makes sense.

LACAPRA: It makes sense because some researchers, including Axelsson, speculate that wolves first became domesticated when people settled down and started farming. The hungry wolves would have been attracted by their garbage dumps full of food scraps. But Axelsson says to take advantage of this convenient new food supply, the wolves would have to adapt not just to being near people, but also to eating their food, which now included starchy grains and vegetables.

AXELSSON: It was also very important to actually be able to have the digestive system that could allow you to make efficient use of the food that was available.

LACAPRA: So any wolves who could digest starch would have had an advantage. Axelsson thinks today's domesticated dogs are probably descended from them. His comparison of the wolf and dog starch genes is published this week in the journal Nature.

ROBERT WAYNE: That's a fascinating result.

LACAPRA: Robert Wayne is an evolutionary biologist at UCLA. He has very different ideas about how and when dogs became domesticated. But he says starch digestion is an important new piece of the story. Wayne believes dogs and people got together more than 30,000 years ago, when we were still hunting, not farming. He says it could have been the leftover animal carcasses that drew wolves to humans.

Then, when farming started, it wasn't just dogs that had to deal with a more starchy diet.

WAYNE: Humans might have likewise adapted to such carbohydrate-rich diets, after they transitioned from more of a meat-eating diet.

LACAPRA: In other words, dogs and humans would have undergone similar genetic changes at around the same time. Erik Axelsson says this is a really striking example of parallel evolution.

AXELSSON: Both dogs and humans have adapted to a similar environment, and that environment was probably created by the development of agriculture.

LACAPRA: Axelsson says because dog and human history is so closely tied together, there may be other examples of our adapting in similar ways. This makes him think that studying dog genetics could provide insights into human physiology and disease.

Veronique LaCapra, NPR News.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Novel approaches needed to end growing scourge of 'superbugs'

Jan. 23, 2013 ? With the rising awareness of the so-called "superbugs," bacteria that are resistant to most known antibiotics, three infectious disease experts writing in the Jan. 24 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine called for novel approaches based on a "reconceptualization of the nature of resistance, disease and prevention."

"Antibiotic-resistant microbes infect more than 2 million Americans every year and kill more than 100,000 annually," said Brad Spellberg, M.D., a Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center lead researcher and one of the authors of the viewpoint article published in the New England Journal of Medicine. "They spread rapidly, even in such seemingly harmless places as high school locker rooms, where they infect young athletes, and they can make mundane urinary or intestinal infections life-threatening. At the same time, the development of new antibiotics to treat these infections is plummeting, leading to our call for entirely new approaches to the problem."

Dr. Spellberg, author of the book, "Rising Plague: The Global Threat from Deadly Bacteria and Our Dwindling Arsenal to Fight Them," authored the article with Drs. John G. Bartlett and David N. Gilbert, both past presidents of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.

The article's authors called for continuing the traditional practices in "infection control, antibiotic stewardship, and new antibiotic development." But they also write that the World Economic Forum's recent conclusion that antibiotic-resistant bacteria represent "arguably the greatest risk?to human health" underscores the need for new approaches as well.

New interventions are needed "to prevent infections from occurring in the first place, to encourage new economic models that spur investment in anti-infective treatments, to slow the spread of resistance in order to prolong the useful lives of antibiotics, to discover new ways to directly attack microbes in a manner that does not drive resistance, or to alter host-microbe interactions in order to modify disease without directly attacking microbes," the researchers wrote.

Among their recommendations are stricter monitoring and controls for prescribing antibiotics and changes in hospital practices, including greater disinfection and less usage of invasive materials than can transmit antibiotic-resistant bacteria into the body.

They recommended new regulatory approaches to encourage antibiotic development, such as the Limited Population Antibiotic Drug (LPAD) proposal from the Infectious Diseases Society of America. They said this proposal would encourage the development new antibiotics by allowing their approval based on smaller, less expensive clinical trials.

They also called for new approaches to treating infections caused by bacteria. Rather than attacking the microbes causing the infection, the researchers urged scientists to pursue new courses of discovery that either "moderate the inflammatory response to infection or that limit microbial growth by blocking access to host resources without attempting to kill microbes."

"The converging crises of increasing resistance and collapse of antibiotic research and development are the predictable results of policies and processes we have used to deal with infections for 75 years," the authors write. "If we want a long-term solution, the answer is not incremental tweaking of these policies and processes. Novel approaches, based on a reconceptualization of the nature of resistance, disease, and prevention, are needed."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (LA BioMed), via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Brad Spellberg, John G. Bartlett, David N. Gilbert. The Future of Antibiotics and Resistance. New England Journal of Medicine, 2013; 368 (4): 299 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1215093

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Local Business Sales Intelligence Platform Radius Raises $12.4M From American Express And Others

screen-shot-2012-04-24-at-4-38-23-am1Radius (formerly Fwix), a startup that gives salespeople the tools and data they need to scout local businesses, is announcing $12.4 million in new funding from American Express with Comcast Ventures, Western Technology Investment and BlueRun Ventures participating.


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Study: W.Va. high school graduation rate improves

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) -- About 78 percent of the 17,651 West Virginia high school students who graduated in the spring of 2010 earned their diplomas in four years, matching the national rate, the U.S. Department of Education said in a study released Tuesday.

West Virginia's rate improved from 77 percent during the two previous school years.

About 78 percent of white students graduated on time, while the rates for black and Hispanic students were lower. About 74.5 percent of Hispanic students and about 74 percent of black students earned their diplomas in four years. The rate for Asian and Pacific Islander students was 100 percent.

The state's dropout rate remained at about 4 percent and was higher than the national rate of about 3 percent. The national rate declined from 4 percent during the seven previous academic years, when date was sometimes incomplete or represented averages of states that reported figures.

About 4.6 percent of black and Hispanic students in West Virginia dropped out during the 2009-2010 school year, compared to 4 percent of white students. Less than 1 percent of Asian and Pacific Islander students dropped out.

Male students were more likely to drop out than female students. The dropout rate for male students was 4.4 percent, compared to 3.6 percent for female students.

Overall, students were least likely to drop out during their freshman year. West Virginia's freshman dropout rate was 3.4 percent, compared to 4.1 percent of sophomores, 4.4 percent of juniors and 4.6 percent of seniors.

Nationally, students were more likely to drop out of high school during their senior year, with roughly one in 20 quitting before graduation day.


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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Local Business Sales Intelligence Platform Radius Raises $12.4M ...

Radius (formerly Fwix), a startup that gives sales people the tools and data they need to scout local businesses, is announcing $12.4 million in new funding from American Express with Comcast Ventures, Western Technology Investment and BlueRun Ventures participating.

As we wrote last April, Radius was founded by Darian Shirazi, who took Fwix, a hyperlocal news aggregator, and pivoted his startup into local sales intelligence for businesses. As a side note, Shirazi was also one of Facebook?s first interns and joined the social network at the age of 17.

Radius has created a comprehensive index of information of over 20 million SMBs for marketers in industries such as business insurance, payment services, banking, credit cards, telecoms and more by pulling data from across the web (including social ? Twitter, Yelp, Instagram, Facebook ? and location-based content).

Radius takes the hyperlocal data Fwix used to pull together from Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Localeze, Acxiom and CityGrid and turns it into a dashboard that a sales force can use to keep tabs on successful local shops. You can see news, tweets, reviews and events tied to the place. This data can also be fed into Salesforce and Microsoft?s CRM product, where companies can keep track of leads and follow through on potential opportunities.

So who needs this data? Shirazi explains that daily deal companies can access data like traffic and local reviews to determine whether they should run a business. Or they could see all the restaurants in a neighborhood who have run a Groupon deal. Or Farmer?s Insurance or State Farm could use Radius to find all the businesses who have a three-star rating on Yelp who are likely to be better bets when it comes to being insured. Or GoDaddy or another web hosting service could use Radius to see which small businesses in an area don?t have standalone websites. Payments companies like Square could see which small businesses in an area don?t yet accept credit cards by crawling Yelp and Citysearch.

American Express is an interesting investor and partner, says Shirazi, because the financial organization serves a lot of small businesses with its credit cards via its Open Forum for small businesses. ?Good data around small businesses is hard to find,? says Shirazi. ?Working with a company like AmEx could definitely help us.? Of course, AmEx could also use Radius to target small businesses to use their credit services as well.

Nearly a year into the pivot, Shirazi is very optimistic about Radius? prospects as a long-term company. Radius is bringing in real revenue and serving 10 million sales professionals. He plans to use the funding towards expanding the sales, engineering and product teams. Specifically, Radius will expand its index of information about small- and medium-sized businesses.

There?s no doubt that mining the massive amount of data that is now on the web from local businesses is a great idea. As more businesses flock to the web, this data is only going to become more plentiful. There are competitors in the space (i.e. Dun & Bradstreet), but as Shirazi explains this could be a billion-dollar opportunity.


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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Netflix streaming most dominant on HDTVs, more than double PC and tablets

Netflix streaming most dominant on HDTVs, more than double PC and tablets

As it turns out, the general public -- even us heathens who've cut the cord -- like watching video content on televisions rather than monitors. A stat chart culled from The NPD Group's, "Connected Intelligence Report, Application & Convergence" revealed the latest US-centric news on Netflix Instant usage; it puts HDTV use far above that of more traditional platforms like PCs and laptops. Averaged across age groups, 40 percent of people using Netflix Instant in the US are doing so on HDTVs, while just 14 percent are going through computers (both desktops and laptops). That's not just Smart TVs, but also, "another device connected to the TV" -- so that's game consoles, streaming boxes, and software level built-in streaming.

A mere 13 percent are using the service on tablets, and a paltry 8 percent are streaming on smartphones (a stat David Lynch would assuredly relish). Unsurprisingly, users are primarily of the younger variety: over 50 percent of 18 to 25-year-olds make up the HDTV statistic, and that group makes up nearly a full quarter of PC folks. Of course, none of this is a huge surprise to anyone that's ever tried comfortably watching anything longer than a few minutes on a 13-inch laptop screen. Check out the full chart just below.

Netflix streaming most dominant on HDTVs, more than double PC and tablets

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Source: The NPD Group


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Monday, January 21, 2013

Top 5 Kids Apps This Week

1. Fire Station

Ages 3-8 Overall rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars Why we like it: This virtual field trip lets you explore community helpers -- especially a fire station -- by way a set of well-chosen videos embedded in the app. Testers liked the hand-drawn images and the background music which can be toggled on or off. Need to know: Note that this is a big app, weighing in at 400MB due to the embedded videos. It is a good app for any child (or adult) who wants some real-world information and experiences. See this video review. Ease of use: 10/10 Educational: 9/10 Entertaining: 9/10 $2.99

Click here to view this gallery.

[More from Mashable: 5 Connected Objects to Smarten Up Your Home]

Chris Crowell is a veteran kindergarten teacher and contributing editor to Children's Technology Review, a web-based archive of articles and reviews on apps, technology toys and video games. Download a free issue of CTR here.

This week's top apps are all about involvement. Using them, your kids will be gardening, jumping, going on field trips and starring in their own TV episodes -- all from the comforts of home.

[More from Mashable: 5 Games You Should Play This Week]

Our friends at Children's Technology Review shared with us these 5 top apps from their comprehensive monthly database of kid-tested reviews. The site covers everything from math and counting to reading and phonics.

Check back next week for more Top Kids Apps from Children's Technology Review.

Image courtesy of Flickr, flickingerbrad

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Israel leader says Iran key issue, not settlements

JERUSALEM (AP) ? Two days before national elections, Israel's prime minister on Sunday shrugged off international criticism of Israeli settlement construction, charging instead that Iran's suspect nuclear program the real threat to regional security.

Speaking to his Cabinet, Benjamin Netanyahu said he had told a group of visiting U.S. senators over the weekend that "the problem is not building ... The problem in the Middle East is Iran's attempt to build nuclear weapons ... This was, and remains, the main mission facing not only myself and Israel, but the entire world."

Israel, the U.S. and much of the international community believe Iran may decide to produce nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

Netanyahu, who has repeatedly spoken of the Iranian nuclear program throughout his four year-term and long before, has claimed credit for helping put the issue on the international agenda.

The international community has slapped tough economic sanctions on Iran, also urging Tehran to open its program to international inspectors. While the sanctions have hit Iran hard, its government has refused to cooperate with inspectors or halt its enrichment of uranium. Enrichment is a key step toward developing a nuclear bomb, though it has other purposes as well.

Netanyahu has welcomed the international pressure on Iran, but he has also repeatedly indicated Israeli might attack Iran, alone if necessary, if he concludes that diplomacy has failed. Netanyahu has warned that 2013 will be a critical year in determining whether Iran reaches weapons capability or not.

The final opinion polls ahead of Tuesday's vote have all predicted Netanyahu's hard-line bloc maintaining a solid lead over center-left opponents.

The Dahaf agency, for example, predicted Netanyahu and his hard-line and religious allies would capture 63 seats in the 120-seat parliament. As the largest member of the block, Netanyahu's Likud-Yisrael Beitenu list would be the senior member of the coalition, and Netanyahu would serve another term as prime minister. The survey interviewed 1,000 people and had a margin of error of 3.2 percentage points.

A new hard-line government would likely mean continued deadlock in peace efforts with the Palestinians and further confrontation with President Barack Obama.

Netanyahu has drawn fierce criticism from the U.S. and other allies for building housing for Jewish settlers in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, lands claimed by the Palestinians for a future state. The Palestinians have refused to negotiate while Israel continues to build in the settlements.

In his comments Sunday, Netanyahu signaled that the settlement construction will continue. He also praised the legacy of Ron Nachman, the longtime mayor of the Ariel settlement, who died Friday. Ariel, with nearly 20,000 residents located deep inside the West Bank, is considered a major obstacle to the establishment of a future Palestinian state.

"Today we part from our dear friend who managed to build Ariel into a city of culture, with a university. I regret that he did not have additional years in which to enjoy the fruit of his labors," Netanyahu said. His government recently approved upgrading a college in Ariel to university status.


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Celebrate the opening hockey weekend with NHL 2013 Live Wallpaper

nhl 2013 live wallpaper After a lengthy lockout, the NHL season is finally starting this weekend. If you’re a puck head like I am, you’re going to want to check out the NHL 2013 Live Wallpaper app. Whether you want to show support for your team or just give your devices a little hockey makeover, this app is for you.

The initial download is free. But if you want it to do anything more, you’re going to have to pay for add-ons within the app. We're not really keen on this sort of business model ourselves, but it is what it is. Here are the prices:

  • Live wallpaper only: $2.49 (1 team)
  • Score clock only: $1.49
  • Ringtone only: $0.99
  • All Access Pass (unlocks everything): $6.99

The live wallpapers have an optional interactive puck, Winter Classic Mode,  arena ticker, game events and sounds. You can also customize the flag style and what kind of arena you would like to see, whether it be a 2013 version or an older version from last year.

So whether or not you root for the Rangers, Penguins, Capitals or Sabres, the app has content to help you show off your fandom.


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How To Make Long Distance Relationships Work? ? Love Shopping ...

It is no secret that maintaining a relationship requires time, effort and constant communication. But how do you make it work when you are thousand miles apart from your loved one? According to studies, long distance relationships are extremely difficult to keep. Nearly 14 million in the world have admitted of being in a relationship with someone who is living or working far away from them. Around 4.5 months is the average amount of time for long distance relationships before break up happens. The sadder thing is more than 70% end up failing, especially those that are not really planned for. On a lighter note, there were about 3.75 million who have been in long distance relationships that eventually got married.

With temptations and thousand miles separating you and your partner, how can you make a long distance relationship work? Here are some helpful tips.

Constant communication is the ultimate bridge. Whether you are in a long distance relationship or not, communication is an essential element of making things work. The modern-day technologies and gadgets allow faster interaction between people from across different continents. Email and chat applications like Skype can make you and your loved one close the big gap. Use your AT&T uverse coupons to avail of free hours or data minutes for you to be able to reach out to your loved one overseas.

Avoid stalking social networks of your partner. It is not a necessity for you to know each other?s Facebook or Twitter passwords. Keep a little privacy for yourself and give him or her the same respect of his or her own space. With long distance relationships, you just have to give your complete trust to the other person. It is normal to feel a little insecurity with the gap that you have the thoughts of him or her meeting someone else will always be there.

Try to at least visit each other once in a year. If it is too costly to travel to the destination of your partner, you may want to meet halfway.


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Microsoft to patch Internet Explorer zero-day flaw today

Microsoft will later today release an update for a critical zero-day flaw in Internet Explorer (versions 6, 7 and 8), which allows hackers to remotely execute malicious code, without user intervention or warning, if a user accesses an infected Web site.
Source: zdnet


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Monday, January 14, 2013

Analysis: Gun Control Set to Crowd Out President Obama's Second-Term Agenda

WASHINGTON - President Obama is putting his chips on guns.

It wasn't an issue he campaigned on - actually, it was almost the opposite of that. It did more to grab him than he did to grab it.

But a month after the unfathomable tragedy at Sandy Hook, the president has positioned himself to take on a fight with long odds as his biggest domestic-policy initiative this side of the never-ending fiscal fights.

The valuable run-up to the inauguration - traditionally a White House's best chance to put forward a bold new policy initiative - is being dominated by the polarizing debate over gun control. The coming fight has broad implications on virtually every other Washington priority in 2013 and beyond.

Vice President Joe Biden's guns task force is strongly signaling recommending a robust menu of policy options, spanning executive actions and legislative initiatives. Each piece is sure to require the full force of presidential leadership to turn into action.

"The public demands we speak to it," Biden said last week, referencing the emotions that followed a tragedy involving young children.

It may yet be a solid bet that this moment is different than past shootings. Powerful allies including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords are lending their considerable political weight to the efforts, prodding action along.

Already, the fact that Washington hasn't lost interest bodes well for a major legislative push that includes more background checks and a renewed assault weapons ban.

But the gun lobby has been explicit that it won't be giving in. The fight will consume valuable political oxygen, perhaps all of what's available to a reelected president whose party controls only half of Capitol Hill.

That means other ambitious subject areas - immigration reform, energy and environmental policy, a major infrastructure initiative - will have to wait. Moreover, the coming brinksmanship over spending and budget issues could further poison the chances of action, potentially grinding Washington to an effective halt.

President George W. Bush found out the hard way that political capital doesn't last long into a second term, even if the president tries to spend it with a friendly Congress. Bush's push for Social Security reform not only went nowhere, it helped sow the seeds of the Democratic takeover of Congress in 2006.

This fight over guns has the potential to be more than that for Obama, though. After a campaign devoid of much inspiration, a passionate debate that gets to the heart of the nation's culture may be what the recently reelected president needs.

The fight will mobilize and energize those on both sides - even if it tires everyone out before discussions begin in other areas.

But if the president walks away with something substantial, at the very time that major progress on any front is so illusory in Washington, the moment won't have been wasted.

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Miss America journeys from small town to big city

LAS VEGAS (AP) ? From a hometown of 26,000 people to an adopted home borough of 2.6 million, Miss America's story includes a journey from a small town to the big city ? but it doesn't start there.

Mallory Hagan, 23, moved from Alabama to New York City as soon as she became a legal adult, and though she says she left because "I needed to find myself," it turns out she knew who she wanted to be all along.

"When Mallory was like 13 years old she was sitting on my deck and said, 'Miss Tina, my goal is one day I'd like to grow up to be Miss America,'" said Tina Gunnels, a neighbor from Opelika, Ala., on Sunday. "She accomplished that goal."

Hagan took the crown Saturday night after tap dancing to a James Brown tune, deftly answering a question about gun violence in schools and raising the issue of child sexual abuse in her contestant platform.

Hagan, who resides in New York's most-populous borough of Brooklyn, said she was sure someone else would take the top prize, even after she made it to the final two contestants.

She said she was standing on the stage thinking, "They're going to get another first runner-up photo of me."

Her father was not nearly so modest.

"We're super excited, super exhilarated, super proud of her," Phil Hagan said in an interview with The Associated Press backstage immediately after his daughter's victory. "We're not extremely surprised, either."

Mallory Hagan, however, has been competing on the pageant circuit for a decade and nearly aged out of the system without ever having won at a state or national level.

The Miss America competition accepts contestants between the ages of 17 and 24.

Hagan says she moved to New York on her own at 18 years old with less than $1,000 in her pocket. She tried for the Miss New York title in 2010 and 2011 before winning last year.

The transition wasn't always easy.

"The struggle was vast," she said. "There were days when I had five bucks in my pocket. And I would push that $5" between subway fare and meal money.

But the decision was one she felt compelled to make.

"I just knew that the energy of NYC was something that I really loved," she told the AP after her victory. "I was always a little more liberal-thinking than my hometown. And I just knew that I needed to get out for a little bit, and I needed to find myself."

Hagan said it was her mother who encouraged her to address the problem of child sex abuse, which had "rippled through" her family.

Hagan's mother, Mandy Moore, was overcome with emotion and wiped tears away as she spoke.

"It's very overwhelming," she said. "It's all hitting me so fast."

Hagan said she will work to make education to prevent child abuse mandatory in all 50 states.

Also working against Hagan was her final question, should schools hire armed guards in the wake of the Newtown, Conn., shooting.

Conventional wisdom holds that contestants who receive questions about controversial topics are less likely to win. But Hagan said she didn't panic.

"I'm not sure that it came out as eloquently as I would have liked it to, but my views remain the same: It's never OK to fight violence with violence."

With crown, she receives a $50,000 college scholarship and a year as an instant celebrity and role model. She defeated Miss South Carolina Ali Rogers, who took second, and Miss Oklahoma Alicia Clifton, who finished third.

Hagan has always been "very independent," said Gunnels, who describes herself as a "neighborhood mom" in the old railroad town near Auburn University.

"I think she willed this to happen," said Gunnels. "She's just that determined. Who would have that that a girl from Opelika, Alabama, would ever do that?"


Moore is based in Phoenix. Jay Reeves contributed from Birmingham, Ala., and Deepti Hajela from New York City.


Hannah Dreier can be reached at


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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Re: 1850 Watts free energy power ? New GEGENE circuit by JL Naudin shows COP = 2.8

ok you are wright
but a troll repeat the same thing again and again ...
stop trolling

I agree, I have mentioned that PF should be considered a couple of times.
Nobody has disputed this yet, I could be wrong - does PF play a big part in the core measurements of this system? Is it the single most important measurement in terms of validation? All the claims are based on power measurements, all I am saying is that they aren't measured properly. Are you saying they are or are you just looking for an argument, I sure wasn't - I thought this info was useful?

Seems to me a troll is someone who points out things which are (not might be) wrong - this benefits others! Dont label people trolls just because they offer sensible advice which you don't like.

Sorry if that appears a little harsh.

Have you replicated the cct or do you have anything to offer to the people who might - or are you simply here to belittle the people who don't blindly believe something is correct?

I don't consider myself a troll although your little outburst certainly makes me feel that you are.

Offer some useful info - don't just bully people who offer sensible info and opinion. There are more opinions than yours. What was wrong with the info or the way it was presented?

You're the troll :)

PS: Are you happy for people to repeat test setup a which aren't correct? Why wouldn't you want to help people? Oh, and helping people isn't necessarily just cheer leading and back slapping - sometimes it's educating people on common measurement errors - this is important as its all part of the validation process......unless you think 'doing things properly' is wrong?


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Microsoft may have exited gadget show prematurely

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, left, and Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs talk about various Windows based products that utilize Qualcomm technology during Jacobs' keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show, Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, left, and Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs talk about various Windows based products that utilize Qualcomm technology during Jacobs' keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show, Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, left, and Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs speak during Jacobs' keynote address at the Consumer Electronics Show, Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson)

(AP) ? Microsoft may have relinquished its starring role in America's gaudiest gadget show a year too early.

After 13 straight years in the spotlight, Microsoft's decision to scale back its presence at this week's International CES deprived the software maker of a prime opportunity to explain and promote a new generation of redesigned computers running its radically remade Windows operating system.

The missed chance comes at a time when Microsoft Corp. could use a bully pulpit to counter perceptions that Windows 8 isn't compelling enough to turn the technological tide away from smartphones and tablets running software made by Apple Inc. and Google Inc.

"They needed to be at this show in a very big way to show the progress they have made and what is it about 2013 that is going to make consumers really gravitate toward a Windows 8 machine," said technology industry analyst Patrick Moorhead.

Since Windows 8 went on sale in late October, there has been little evidence to suggest the operating system will lift the personal computer industry out of a deepening downturn. Worldwide PC shipments during the final three months of last year dropped 6 percent from the same period in 2011, according to the research firm International Data Corp. The dip occurred despite the bevy of Windows 8 laptops and desktop machines that were on sale during the holiday shopping season.

Microsoft, though, insists things worked out at just fine during CES, even though it didn't have a booth and only had a smattering of executives at the sprawling trade show, which drew some 156,000 people to Las Vegas.

The company, which is based in Redmond, Wash., decided it no longer makes sense to invest as much time and money in CES as it once did. The company says the show's early January slot doesn't mesh with the timing of its major product releases. Windows 8, for instance, was still more than nine months away from hitting the market when Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer kicked off last year's CES with a keynote address that was billed as the company's swan song at the show.

"We are very comfortable with our decision," Microsoft spokesman Frank Shaw said. "It has been a productive show for us this year."

Microsoft's retreat from CES puzzled some attendees curious about Windows 8. For instance, when Michael Sullivan showed up at computer maker Asus' booth, which was stocked with Windows 8 computers, there was no one around to discuss the machines or the software.

"This is unusual," said Sullivan, CEO of computer sales firm Spec 4 International Inc. "I don't understand why a successful company isn't bringing executives here."

Asus invited some CES attendees to learn more about Windows 8 at a nearby hotel, away from the show's main trade show. Asus has left its booth unmanned in previous years at CES, but the void wasn't as noticeable when Microsoft's own representatives were canvassing the floor.

NPD DisplaySearch analyst Richard Shim thought Microsoft should have had more people helping to staff its partners' booths because, he said, no one understands how Windows 8 works better than the company that made it.

"Whenever you have a new product rolling out, it's always helpful to communicate your message directly as opposed to counting on your partners," Shim said.

Microsoft elected to curtail its CES presence largely because the show's marketing value has diminished. In recent years, companies such as Apple and Google have shown that they can command more attention by holding their own exclusive events to unveil products just before they go on sale. Neither Apple nor Google had a major presence at CES.

In a sign that it is embracing its rivals' strategy, Microsoft staged separate events last year in Los Angeles and New York to unveil Surface, a Windows-powered tablet computer, and Windows 8.

Nevertheless, both Shim and Moorhead believe would have been better off waiting until after this year's CES to surrender its top billing on the marquee. That way, Ballmer could have used this year's opening CES keynote to talk about Windows 8's advantages as a finished product.

"Ballmer could have talked about the operating system more completely and built more hype around it, especially since Microsoft has been getting beaten up so far over Windows 8's performance," Shim said.

When Ballmer ended Microsoft's 13-year streak of kicking off CES, he was only able to provide a peek at a makeover of the operating system that was still months away from being completed.

Microsoft touts Windows 8 as a breakthrough that will enable people to straddle the divide between personal computers and tablets. The revamped operating system is built to respond to the touch of a finger so it can work on tablet computers while still retaining the ability to respond to commands from keyboards and mice on laptop and desktop machines. To take advantage of Windows 8's versatility, many PC makers are building convertible devices that can work as a tablet or a laptop.

But reviews of the new operating system have been lukewarm. Critics have been panning it as too confusing and cumbersome.

Microsoft used part of a CES technology forum presented by J.P. Morgan to try to build more enthusiasm. The company revealed that 60 million copies of Windows 8 have been sold so far, putting it on the same pace as the previous version ? Windows 7 ? at the same juncture of its release. But it's unclear how many of those Windows 8 licenses are installed on computers that are still sitting in stores or warehouses.

Investors have been so unimpressed with the reception to the new Windows products that Microsoft's stock price has slipped 4 percent since the operating system's Oct. 26 release. Meanwhile, the bellwether Standard & Poor's 500 index has gained 4 percent. Microsoft's stock closed Friday at $26.83, up 37 cents.

A clearer picture of the early reception to Windows 8 may emerge Jan. 24 when Microsoft is scheduled to report its earnings for the three months spanning the holiday shopping season.

Although he wasn't the main attraction, Ballmer made a cameo appearance during Qualcomm Inc. CEO Paul Jacobs' opening address at this year's show.

Ballmer's acceptance of Qualcomm's invitation to join Jacobs on stage surprised some people because Qualcomm has emerged as a threat to Intel Corp., a longtime Microsoft ally that makes most of the processors in Windows computers. Instead of touting Windows 8, Ballmer spent his time hailing a streamlined version of the operating system, dubbed Windows RT, which runs on tablets using processors that rely on technology designed by ARM, another Intel rival.

Microsoft's top executive in charge of technical strategy appeared on stage at Samsung Electronics' invitation to reveal a Windows phone featuring a flexible color display. The electronics of the phone are in a little box, and the thin, bendable screen is attached to it, looking much like a piece of paper.

That left Intel and other Microsoft partners, including PC makers Samsung, Sony, Asus, Acer and Hewlett-Packard Co., to do most of the boasting about Windows 8 at their own CES booths.

"Our partners are doing that very effectively," Shaw said. "You couldn't walk through the (CES) floor without seeing people doing really interesting things with Windows 8."

But there were other times when it appeared Microsoft's partners could have used some help.

Sony exhibitor John Guzman, for instance, seemed stumped when an Associated Press reporter visited the company's CES booth and asked whether a machine running Windows 8 or the more advanced Windows 8 Pro would be a better fit for journalistic work.

"That is more of a Microsoft question," Guzman said, adding that no Microsoft representatives were around.


Liedtke reported from San Francisco. AP Technology Writer Peter Svensson contributed to this story.

Associated Press


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