Sunday, September 9, 2012

Is Planned Parenthood Covering Up Botched Abortion Death ...

by Steven Ertelt | Wash?ing?ton, DC | | 9/7/12 3:39?PM

A lead?ing pro-life group that inves?ti?gates the abor?tion indus?try is con?cerned Planned Par?ent?hood may be attempt?ing to cover up the death of Tonya Reaves, who died after a failed abor?tion this sum?mer at a Chicago Planned Par?ent?hood abor?tion clinic.

Sup?pos?edly, the fam?ily of Reaves has filed a civil law?suit seek?ing hun?dreds of thou?sands of dol?lars in dam?ages against the abor?tion giant. But, one week after Reaves? fam?ily filed suit against Planned Par?ent?hood, the abor?tion orga?ni?za?tion agreed to pay the state $367,000 to set?tle the Med?ic?aid billing case.

In that case, abor?tion prac?ti?tioner Car?o?line Hoke was accused of over-billing Med?ic?aid an esti?mated $430,380 for mostly undoc?u?mented ser?vices. Hoke was the state?s fourth high?est billing Med?ic?aid physi?cian, ask?ing the tax?pay?ers to fork over $3.9 mil?lion to her from 2009???2011 as she served as the Med?ical Direc?tor for Planned Par?ent?hood of Illinois.

But why would the abor?tion busi?ness set?tle a Med?ic?aid fraud case so soon after the civil law?suit was filed? One the?ory is that Planned Par?ent?hood is push?ing to get the spot?light off of its shoddy med?ical care in the case of Reaves? death.

Although news reports indi?cate Reaves? fam?ily has filed suit, offi?cials with Oper?a?tion Res?cue and the Thomas More Soci?ety, a pro-life legal group, can find no actual evi?dence one has been filed. The fam?ily report?edly sued Planned Par?ent?hood and North?west?ern Memo?r?ial Hos?pi?tal after Reaves received a botched sec?ond trimester abor?tion at a Chicago Planned Par?ent?hood office on July 20,?2012.

Also included as a defen?dant in the suit is the father of Reaves one-year old son, who allegedly pushed Reaves down a flight of stairs five days before the abor?tion. That leads some to spec?u?late that Tonya may have been pres?sured into the abor?tion or that her fam?ily is sus?cep?ti?ble to pres?sure from Planned Par?ent?hood into not fol?low?ing through on a lawsuit.

In fact,? OR offi?cials tell Life?News there appears to be no record that any suit was filed. In a call to the fam?ily attor?ney of record inquir?ing about the case, he denied a suit was?filed.

Mean?while, local offi?cials are refus?ing to release the full and final autopsy report. OR says the Med?ical Examiner?s office indi?cated that Reaves died from hem?or?rhag?ing after a dila?tion and Evac?u?a?tion abor?tion. The full autopsy report has not yet been released, even though Oper?a?tion Res?cue was told by offi?cials that the report was fin?ished but not ?final?ized? nearly two weeks?ago.

The ini?tial OR request to obtain a copy of the autopsy was denied. Life Legal Defense Foun?da?tion stepped in and wrote a let?ter indi?cat?ing that the open records request was wrong?fully denied. The Med?ical Examiner?s attor?ney agreed and promised to email a copy of the report once it was final?ized, but that was two months ago.

?When there are this many unan?swered ques?tions, you know some?thing is ter?ri?bly wrong. It appears Hoke set?tled her billing fraud case in order to clear up con?tro?versy and take the spot?light off Planned Par?ent?hood, which was strug?gling to deal with ques?tions about Reaves death,? said Troy New?man, Pres?i?dent of Oper?a?tion Res?cue and Pro-Life Nation. ?Now it appears Tonya was also the vic?tim of domes?tic vio?lence.? The pub?lic need to under?stand why Reaves died, who is respon?si?ble, and that the per?pe?tra?tors will be brought to jus?tice through legal means. Right now, there are more ques?tions than answers.?

What we do know is Planned Par?ent?hood per?formed an abor?tion on Tonya Reaves that claimed her life. We also know Planned Par?ent?hood engaged in what could only be described as malpractice.

The Planned Par?ent?hood abor?tion busi?ness, which waited five hours before send?ing a woman who died from a botched legal abor?tion to the hos?pi?tal, never called 911.

Ini?tially, Steve Miller of the CBS news affil?i?ate WBBM released a report show?ing doc?u?ments released in the botched abor?tion death of Tonya Reaves that alarm?ingly showed Planned Par?ent?hood delayed sum?mon?ing emer?gency care for the dying woman for five and a half hours after the abor?tion failed.

Later John Jansen of the Pro-Life Action League, obtained doc?u?ments ver?i?fy?ing that Planned Parenthood?s Loop Health Cen?ter in Chicago did not call 911 on the day 24-year old Tonya Reaves died after hav?ing an abor?tion at the facility.

?Doc?u?ments obtained via the Free?dom of Infor?ma?tion Act show [PDF] that only one call to 911 was made on Fri?day, July 20 from the build?ing located at 18 S. Michi?gan, which houses Planned Par?ent?hood and sev?eral other ten?ants,? Jansen said. ?It?s unclear which ten?ant in the build?ing placed that call, made at 12:46 p.m., but it was con?cern?ing an instance of child abuse, and thus could not pos?si?bly have been related to Tonya Reaves.?

?Planned Parenthood?s unfath?omable neg?li?gence in the death of Tonya Reaves raises numer?ous ques?tions that demand answers,? Jansen added. ?Why didn?t Planned Par?ent?hood call 911 imme?di?ately once Tonya Reaves started expe?ri?enc?ing com?pli?ca?tions fol?low?ing her abortion??

?Did Planned Par?ent?hood call a pri?vate ambu?lance com?pany instead of call?ing 911? If so, why? It was a Chicago Fire Depart?ment ambu?lance that ulti?mately trans?ported Tonya Reaves to North?west?ern Memo?r?ial Hos?pi?tal???five and a half hours after her abor?tion. If Planned Par?ent?hood didn?t call 911, who noti?fied the Fire Depart?ment and told them to send an ambu?lance?? Jansen asked. ?Does Planned Parenthood?s Loop Health Cen?ter have a med?ical emer?gency pol?icy? If so, was it fol?lowed in the case of Tonya Reaves??

?Most abor?tion facil?i?ties in the state of Illi?nois are sub?ject to inspec?tions by the Depart?ment of Pub?lic Health. But due to a loop?hole in the state?s com?pli?cated abor?tion facil?ity reg?u?la?tory scheme, all Planned Par?ent?hood abor?tion clin?ics in Illi?nois are unli?censed and not sub?ject to state inspec?tion,?? he con?tin?ued. ?As a result, there is a lot we don?t know about Illi?nois? Planned Par?ent?hood facilities.?

Jansen con?cluded: ?But we do know that 24-year old Tonya Reaves had an abor?tion at Planned Parenthood?s Loop Health Cen?ter and died 12 hours later???and Planned Par?ent?hood needs to be held account?able for her?death.?

At 11:00 a.m. on Fri?day, Reaves received a second-trimester dila?tion and evac?u?a?tion (DE) abor?tion at Planned Par?ent?hood, located at 18 S. Michi?gan Ave. in Chicago. Fol?low?ing the abor?tion, Reaves began bleed?ing heav?ily and it con?tin?ued at Planned Par?ent?hood for five and a half hours before a Fire Depart?ment ambu?lance finally took her to North?west?ern Memo?r?ial Hos?pi?tal at 4:30 p.m., accord?ing to Miller.

Then, once the young woman arrived at the hos?pi?tal, the reports make it appear emer?gency per?son?nel had to start from scratch to fig?ure out the extent of Reaves injuries.

?Then at 5:30 p.m., doc?tors per?formed an ultra?sound, and another dila?tion and evac?u?a?tion pro?ce?dure???basi?cally, another abor?tion???this time at North?west?ern,? Miller reports. ?But after that, there were then more prob?lems, and pain. That war?ranted a new ultra?sound, and a per?fo?ra?tion was dis?cov?ered. At 10:12 p.m., Reaves was taken back to surgery???and ?an uncon?trol?lable bleed was dis?cov?ered,? doc?u?ments?say.?




Respond?ing to the report, Troy New?man, Pres?i?dent of Oper?a?tion Res?cue and Pro-Life Nation, said, ?It is clear that Planned Par?ent?hood botched the pro?ce?dure that resulted in uncon?trolled bleed?ing then failed to treat the hem?or?rhage while Reaves was at their clinic, allow?ing her to bleed for over five hours before finally call?ing for?help.?

?There can be no doubt that this delay con?tributed to her death,? New?man argues. ?The injury and the untreated hem?or?rhage hap?pened at Planned Par?ent?hood and they are solely respon?si?ble for?it.?

New?man, in a press state?ment to Life?News, quotes Dr. James C. Ander?son, M.D., a 30-year vet?eran emer?gency room doc?tor who said abor?tion clin?ics never informed him about their patients? conditions.

?I have always had to eval?u?ate the sit?u?a?tion, come to my own con?clu?sions, and ini?ti?ate what I thought was appro?pri?ate treat?ment. This def?i?nitely cre?ated some time delays that were not in the patient?s best inter?est,? stated Dr. Ander?son. ?These delays can have life-threatening impli?ca?tions when deal?ing with hem?or?rhage or infection.?

Arti?cle source:

Tags: Christian, Planned Parenthood, Political, Prolife


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